Hipster MVChipster_syncHipsterSync

HipsterSync class

class HipsterSync {
  // private class variable to hold an application injected sync behavior
  static var _injected_sync;

  // setter for the injected sync behavior
  static set sync(fn) {
    _injected_sync = fn;

  // delete the injected sync behavior
  static useDefaultSync() {
    _injected_sync = null;

  // static method for HipsterModel and HipsterCollection to invoke -- will
  // forward the call to the appropriate behavior (injected or default)
  static Future<dynamic> call(method, model) {
    if (_injected_sync == null) {
      return _defaultSync(method, model);
    else {
      // TODO check for null future returned from _injected_sync
      return _injected_sync(method, model);

  static Map _methodMap = const {
    'create': 'post',
    'update': 'put',
    'read': 'get'

  // default sync behavior
  static _defaultSync(_method, model) {
    String method = _method.toLowerCase(),
           verb   = _methodMap.containsKey(method) ?
                      _methodMap[method] : method;

    var request = new HttpRequest(),
        completer = new Completer();

      add((event) {
        HttpRequest req = event.target;

        if (req.status > 299) {
            completeException("That ain't gonna work: ${req.status}");
        else {
          var json = JSON.parse(req.responseText);

    request.open(verb, model.url, true);

    // Tell the server that we expect JSON!
    request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");

    // POST and PUT HTTP request bodies if necessary
    if (verb == 'post' || verb == 'put') {
      request.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
    else {

    return completer.future;

Static Properties

set sync(fn) #

static set sync(fn) {
  _injected_sync = fn;

Static Methods

useDefaultSync() #

static useDefaultSync() {
  _injected_sync = null;

Future<Dynamic> call(method, model) #

static Future<dynamic> call(method, model) {
  if (_injected_sync == null) {
    return _defaultSync(method, model);
  else {
    // TODO check for null future returned from _injected_sync
    return _injected_sync(method, model);