Hipster MVChipster_modelHipsterModel

HipsterModel class

HipsterModel encapsulates individual records in your backend datastore. At its most concise, a model need only to implement the urlRoot method:

class ComicBook extends HipsterModel {
  get urlRoot => '/comics';
class HipsterModel implements Hashable {
  /** The internal representation of the record. */
  Map attributes;

   * An [Events] object for the model. Any internal changes to the model will
   * broadcast events from this object.  See [ModelEvents] for the complete
   * list of events supported.
  ModelEvents on;

  /** If the model is part of a collection, it will be stored here. */
  Collection collection;

   * If attributes is not supplied, it will be initalied to an empty
   * [HashMap].
  HipsterModel([this.attributes]) {
    on = new ModelEvents();
    if (attributes == null) attributes = {};

  // TODO: better hashing function (delimited keys and values?)
  static String hash() {
    return (new Date.now()).value.hashCode().toRadixString(16);

   * Convenience operator for attribute lookup:
   *     var comic = new ComicBook({'title': 'Superman'});
   *     comic['title'];
   *     // => 'Superman'
  operator [](attr) => attributes[attr];

  /** The ID of the record in the backend store. */
  get id => attributes['id'];

   * The URL at which creates or updates are stored. If the model has already
   * been saved to the backend, then the ID will be appended
   * (e.g. `/comics/42`).
  String get url => isSaved() ?
    "$urlRoot/$id" : urlRoot;

   * The base URL for REST-like operations _without_ the trailing slash
   * (e.g. `/comics`). This is delegated to the collection if present.
   * If the subclass is ever used without a collection, then the subclass is
   * required to define this:
   *     class ComicBook extends HipsterModel {
   *       get urlRoot => '/comics';
   *     }
  String get urlRoot => (collection == null) ?
    "" : collection.url;

   * Returns true if the model has been _previously_ saved to the backend (not
   * if the most recent changes have been saved).
  bool isSaved() => id != null;

   * Either creates or updates this record in the backend datastore. This
   * method returns a [Future] that can be used to perform subsequent actions
   * upon successful save:
   *     comic.
   *       save().
   *       then((_) { print("Yay! New comics!"); });
  Future<HipsterModel> save() {
    Completer completer = new Completer();
    String operation = isSaved() ? 'update' : 'create';
    Future after_call = HipsterSync.call(operation, this);

      then((attrs) {
        this.attributes = attrs;
        on.load.dispatch(new ModelEvent('save', this));

      handleException((e) {
        return true;

    return completer.future;

   * Instructs the backend datastore that this recored should be deleted. Upon
   * successful removal, this method returns a [Future] that can be used to
   * perform subsequent action:
   *     comic.
   *       delete.
   *       then((_) { print("Now I am sad.") });
  Future<HipsterModel> delete() {
    Completer completer = new Completer();

      call('delete', this).
      then((attrs) {
        var event = new ModelEvent('delete', this);


    return completer.future;




Static Methods

String hash() #

static String hash() {
  return (new Date.now()).value.hashCode().toRadixString(16);


new HipsterModel([Map attributes]) #

If attributes is not supplied, it will be initalied to an empty HashMap.

HipsterModel([this.attributes]) {
  on = new ModelEvents();
  if (attributes == null) attributes = {};


Map attributes #

The internal representation of the record.

Map attributes;

Collection collection #

If the model is part of a collection, it will be stored here.

Collection collection;

final int hashCode #

inherited from Hashable

Get a hash code for this object.

All objects have hash codes. Hash codes are guaranteed to be the same for objects that are equal when compared using the equality operator ==. Other than that there are no guarantees about the hash codes. They will not be consistent between runs and there are no distribution guarantees.

If a subclass overrides hashCode it should override the equality operator as well to maintain consistency.

docs inherited from Object
abstract int get hashCode;

final id #

The ID of the record in the backend store.

get id => attributes['id'];

ModelEvents on #

An Events object for the model. Any internal changes to the model will broadcast events from this object. See ModelEvents for the complete list of events supported.

ModelEvents on;

final String url #

The URL at which creates or updates are stored. If the model has already been saved to the backend, then the ID will be appended (e.g. /comics/42).

String get url => isSaved() ?
  "$urlRoot/$id" : urlRoot;

final String urlRoot #

The base URL for REST-like operations without the trailing slash (e.g. /comics). This is delegated to the collection if present.

If the subclass is ever used without a collection, then the subclass is required to define this:

class ComicBook extends HipsterModel {
  get urlRoot => '/comics';
String get urlRoot => (collection == null) ?
  "" : collection.url;


operator [](attr) #

Convenience operator for attribute lookup:

var comic = new ComicBook({'title': 'Superman'});
// => 'Superman'
operator [](attr) => attributes[attr];


Future<HipsterModel> delete() #

Instructs the backend datastore that this recored should be deleted. Upon successful removal, this method returns a Future that can be used to perform subsequent action:

  then((_) { print("Now I am sad.") });
Future<HipsterModel> delete() {
  Completer completer = new Completer();

    call('delete', this).
    then((attrs) {
      var event = new ModelEvent('delete', this);


  return completer.future;

bool isSaved() #

Returns true if the model has been previously saved to the backend (not if the most recent changes have been saved).

bool isSaved() => id != null;

Future<HipsterModel> save() #

Either creates or updates this record in the backend datastore. This method returns a Future that can be used to perform subsequent actions upon successful save:

  then((_) { print("Yay! New comics!"); });
Future<HipsterModel> save() {
  Completer completer = new Completer();
  String operation = isSaved() ? 'update' : 'create';
  Future after_call = HipsterSync.call(operation, this);

    then((attrs) {
      this.attributes = attrs;
      on.load.dispatch(new ModelEvent('save', this));

    handleException((e) {
      return true;

  return completer.future;